Temple United
Methodist Church
Inviting All, Loving All, Serving All…In Christ
Sunday Worship Service – 10 a.m.
If you cannot attend in-person please participate via Facebook Live or on our Youtube channel.
Our office hours are Tuesday – Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Supper House
At Supper House, more than a meal is provided. People hunger for many things: food, attention, respect, dignity, love, friendship and a sense of “belonging.” Everyone is welcomed to the Supper House.

Family Promise
Temple, in partnership with 18 other churches, provides shelter and care within the church for families who are facing homelessness. This is an opportunity for volunteers of all faiths to reduce homelessness and transform lives.
About Us
A Message From Pastor Jeff
We are a diverse body of people of all ages, from all kinds of places and various races. Black or White, we are all sons and daughters of the Living God. It does not matter where you have been in life or what you have done, God still loves you and there is nothing you can do about it. So relax – you are loved and welcomed here! We are a people of extravagant welcome. Jesus didn’t turn people away and neither do we.
We often hear people say, “I feel something different when I come to Temple.” My desire is that you will get a sense of what God is doing in our midst and will want to experience it for yourself. In church talk we call that “longing for God.”
Pastor Jeff
What we Do
Mission Area For The People
Non-profit community-based organization committed to serving the needs of area residents who live in poverty and extreme need.
Family Promise
Temple, in partnership with 18 other churches, provides shelter and care within the church for families who are facing homelessness.

Hand2Hand 501©(3) delivers hope to hungry children, ages 3-18, by mobilizing schools, churches, businesses, and individuals to provide nutritious food over the weekends.

Supper House
At Supper House, more than a meal is provided.

Community Garden
Temple UMC recently purchased two lots on Jefferson Street in Muskegon Heights.
T.C.B Boxing
Temple UMC is home to T.C.B. Boxing, a non-profit boxing club started by Ramon Avery.
Call 231.733.1065
To find out how you can be involved!